


01 OctAvoid the Mile Wide Trap

Have you fallen into The Mile Wide Trap? If your company’s revenue has stalled after a period of rapid growth, you…

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15 SepStop Being Dependent on One Sales Representative

Dependency – it’s a topic we often cover with owner/operators, but it’s also true in a small business for your CFO,…

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01 SepPrevention is better than the cure – and can be more profitable

As Mergers and Acquisition Advisors, this is a common theme we comment on, but one worth repeating.  To grow a valuable…

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15 AugFour Ways to Protect Your Turf

Warren Buffett famously invests in businesses that have what he calls a protective “moat” around them – one that inoculates them…

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01 Aug9 Warning Signs You’re Too Much In the Weeds

If you were to draw a picture that visually represents your role in your business, what would it look like? Are…

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15 JulDealing with the 800 Pound Gorilla in Love

On June 1, 2011, both Floyd’s Coffee Shops in Portland, Oregon were busier than usual. The regulars were elbowed out of…

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01 JunWhat your age says about your exit plan

In our experience, your age has a big effect on your attitude towards your business and how you feel about one…

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15 MaySuper Seven Questions Buyers (Almost) Always Ask

We have done some recent introductory management presentations and there are some questions that buyers almost always ask in the “get to...Read More

01 MayWhen to launch a process – It’s all about timing (Part 2)

I wasn’t planning on writing a follow-up blog about market timing, but given some recent conversations I have had on current…

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15 AprWhen to launch a sales process – It’s all about timing

It’s been a busy Q1 2022 and we have had a number of inbounds from various entrepreneurs asking us about whether…

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